At-Home Production Support

Back then, showing up to the lecture hall in a suit and tie was how you made a powerful first impression. Today, it’s your camera, lighting, and audio quality. Get our at-home production playbook and consultation to put your best foot forward for your students.

what we do precisely

Education Strategy

Create a new revenue stream for your business with live and recorded online courses. We’ll show you how to seamlessly integrate education into your business and customer journey. Together, we’ll put a plan in place to sustainably grow your business.

Course Marketing Strategy

Develop a course marketing strategy unique to your target audience. We’ll collaboratively develop a marketing strategy and calendar to help you deliver concise and convincing messages that speak to your target student.

Live Course Operations

Creating and delivering a live course can be daunting the first few times. We’ll help you put an operating plan in place and support your live course experience. We’ll manage your Zoom, community, and other tech tools so you can focus on delivering a great course experience.
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Education Strategy
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